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Customized Services

Resume  |  LinkedIn  |  Job Search Strategy  |  Mock Interviews  |  Offer Negotiation  |  Successful Transition  |  Networking 

I routinely help individuals and businesses in each of the areas below. Whether you're working towards achieving short term or long term goals, I would love the opportunity to partner with you on your journey. Please schedule an initial consultation for a customized proposal.

Career Development Coaching

Reach your full potential by identifying areas for growth & development and setting & achieving goals. Topics include relationship building, effective communication, time management, health & wellness, stress management, and more.



Personal branding is about being authentic and presenting yourself in a way that aligns with your core values, beliefs, and goals. Learn how to convey your unique value proposition in your resume, LinkedIn, and other marketing materials. 

Career Transition Coaching

Feeling stuck? Burned out? Want to make a career change but not sure where to start? You've come to the right place. I provide personalized guidance to help you determine your values, strengths, interests, and more.


Energy Leadership Index Assessment

The ELI is an attitudinal assessment tool that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life. With the awareness and insights gained  clients have the opportunity to reshape their attitudes and worldview and “transform who they are.”

Tailored Services For Business Organizations

Please reach out to learn how we can partner together on outplacement services and talent strategy projects.



Personal Branding Client

"I'm now able to authentically articulate my story when I meet new people."

Coaching Client

"I've had a lot of 'aha' moments and feel more confident and capable as a leader."

Outplacement Client

"Jen creates a safe space and I always feel comfortable opening up to her."

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